I have an Template where one recipient has "Allow to Edit" . They have no fields on the document in the template and I don't want them to be able to add fields to that document.
I do want them to be able to add their own documents (hence "Allow to Edit").
I would like to use document visibility to prevent them seeing the original document in the template.
According to the below page: "By default, recipients assigned with a manager recipient action (specify, update, allow to edit), or a non-signing recipient action of Receives a Copy or Needs to View, see all the documents in an envelope. You can modify document visibility for each of these recipient types."
I can't find where to modify it for the recipient in question and it's greyed out in the normal section when using the template.
Can you tell me how to do it? Or if there is another way to prevent the editor from adding fields to the original document? That would also solve the problem.
Thank you!