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Sending a document where the identity and number of signatures are unknown


We often have situations where the person we are dealing with day to day during the sales process will not sign the order and they often don't know their own internal processes or signature requirements. Using a paper order we would send this to our contact and they woud walk round the office to find the correct authorised signatory and may find that it needs signing by one, two or three people. Can the recipient add signature boxes and forward on to the right people once they have identified them? Thanks

Best answer by Community Expert

There is what are called Manager Recipient Types such as Update Recipients, Specify Recipients, or Allow to Edit, which gives different levels of control over an envelope. These Manager Recipients are outlined in the following DocuSign article...

Note: These Manager Recipient Types are part of certain DocuSign Account plans.

As a sidenote, I find that hammering out a defined process for these types of orders would benefit the process greatly, even if there are 20 combinations based on different order types or scenarios you could create 20 Templates or Powerforms for each situation and overcome the manual process, saving time and money in the process.

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There is what are called Manager Recipient Types such as Update Recipients, Specify Recipients, or Allow to Edit, which gives different levels of control over an envelope. These Manager Recipients are outlined in the following DocuSign article...

Note: These Manager Recipient Types are part of certain DocuSign Account plans.

As a sidenote, I find that hammering out a defined process for these types of orders would benefit the process greatly, even if there are 20 combinations based on different order types or scenarios you could create 20 Templates or Powerforms for each situation and overcome the manual process, saving time and money in the process.


Thanks, that looks like what we need. I completely agree with you about the templates - we have a large salesforce processing lots of contracts and it must be a standard process that is controlled centrally.


Hi. I have reviewed the Manager Recipients article David linked however it does not seem to provide any guidance on when the identity and number of signatories is unknown.

In terms of the identity of one signatory being unknown, I have attempted to enable the "Specify Recipients" function in the sending settings but the settings keep reverting back to that being unchecked. Regardless, the "Assign to Someone Else" function seems to do the trick in terms of letting our contact person forward the document to the correct signatory.

However, it is very common for our clients to require two or sometimes even three authorised personnel to sign documents pursuant to their Power of Attorney and I never know how many signatories they need.

How can I send a document to my contact person and enable them to assign to/specify one or more other people as signatories? Would be grateful for any guidance. Thank you.


You may want to look into Powerforms as an alternative to sending an envelope with the Manager Recipient type. A Powerform could be created, then the Link shared with the Contact person who could either fill in one or two or three additional Names and Email Addresses as needed. But these additional Recipients would be "optional" and would disappear if not filled in, therefore resolving this issue. Of course this would depend on whether Powerforms was an option on your Account plan.