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DocuSign Bulk Send recipient list template help


Hello all,

This is a 2 part ques-

  1. I downloaded the Sample Bulk List Template from the DoscuSign site. But I cannot find anywhere what the various columns represent. All I could understand were Name and Email. Where do I specify that the user s an 'In Person Signer' or 'Needs to Sign' or 'Needs to View' etc? and which column is the one where I can specify a not?
  2. Also, when I up upload the bulk recipient list, can I preview the recipients and / or make any additions / deletions ?



Best answer by Community Expert

Yes, the field would just be a Text field and you create you own Data Label for the field on the right side field properties. The Data Label would then correspond to the Column Name in the CSV, Address1 being just an example of a possible Data Label for your address text field. First step is to create your Template, then drag over a Text field into the appropriate location, set the field properties such as Length, and set a unique Data Label of your choosing. Save the Template. When you now Use the Template you can apply a CSV with the columns of your choosing such as Name and Email (required) but also populate from the CSV other text fields (or other field types) such as the Address.

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1) You define the Recipient Type in the Template not in the CSV file upload. If you only have one Recipient, then the only two fields required are Name and Email. If you have more than one Recipient then the columns must have a Role associated to each field, so two Recipients might look like this:

Column 1 = "Employee::Name"

Column 2 = "Employee::Email"

Column 3 = "Supervisor::Name"

Column 4 = "Supervisor::Email"

If you are going even more complex and sending data from the CSV into fields then each column would have the Data Label of the field as well as the Role (if applicable). Here is more details via a DocuSign article...

2) If no errors or errors are found it will allow you to edit or remove the problem records before sending, but you cannot ADD entries, but you could cancel (remove the CSV without starting the envelope over, add to the CSV and re-import the CSV.



Thanks very much for your reply. but I still have doubts, sorry for that...

So if I understand you correctly, ALL the bulk recipients will be of type 'Need to Sign' ? Or can I define any one of them as 'Need to View' or 'Allow to Edit' etc?

Also what is the use of Role ? In your example above you specify Employee and Supervisor as the Roles. What do those Roles do for me, what value do they provide? Do you happen to have any examples?

Again appreciate your patience in replying to this.




Per the article in my first post....

  • Supported recipient types: Needs to Sign, Receives a Copy, Needs to View, Specify Recipients, and Update Recipients.

Therefore, each Recipent is not required to be "Needs to Sign", but "Allow to Edit" is not a supported Recipient Type.

Roles are just a placeholder to allow a definition to be applied to a Recipient. It acts as a placeholder for the Recipient if you do not know the Recipient Name and Email Address, convenient for Bulk Send and Powerforms. I always think of Roles as the title of the person who is taking action on the document, whether filling out a field or signing. A Role can be anything you define. If I have a document and it requires the signature of the Employee and that Employee's Supervisor then I set Roles as "Employee" and "Supervisor" but you could also just use "Recipient1" and "Recipient2" but by defining something more unique it makes Template creation and adding fields less confusing.


Thanks so much, makes sense now.

A final question (for now LOL)

How can I add and capture a custom field (say address ) to be printed in the respective users doc against their name, email etc?



So if you have a text field and the Data Label of the text field is "Address1" (for example), the CSV would look something like this....

Column 1 = "Name"

Column 2 = "Email"

Column 3 = "Address1"

Each row in the CSV represents an individual Recipient that will get an envelope, Hence 3 rows with each column populated would send 3 envelopes and would populate the Text field that is labelled as "Address1". With multiple Recipients you add the Role to the CSV column header. If the Role for Recipient 1 was "Employee" and Recipient 2 was "Supervisor" it would look like this....

Column 1 = "Employee::Name"

Column 2 = "Employee::Email"

Column 3 = "Employee::Address1"

Column 4 = "Supervisor::Name"

Column 5 = "Supervisor::Email"

Column 6 = "Supervisor::Address1"


Got it. I was able to create Columns 1,2 and 3 and imported the CVS file. excel file. But unlike 'Name' and 'Email' which are available fields for me to drag and drop on the document, Address1 is not a field that is available. Do I need to create that? If so where and how?

Really appreciate all your help David.



Yes, the field would just be a Text field and you create you own Data Label for the field on the right side field properties. The Data Label would then correspond to the Column Name in the CSV, Address1 being just an example of a possible Data Label for your address text field. First step is to create your Template, then drag over a Text field into the appropriate location, set the field properties such as Length, and set a unique Data Label of your choosing. Save the Template. When you now Use the Template you can apply a CSV with the columns of your choosing such as Name and Email (required) but also populate from the CSV other text fields (or other field types) such as the Address.


Finally got it to work, there were some setting issues on my side.

Thank you so much David for all the great and timely help. Highly appreciated.



Glad I could help.


Hi, can you clarify the setting issues you were experiencing? I'm updating the data fields in the e-sig UI but it still won't populate the text I have in the CSV.