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additionnal Notification not working

  • December 5, 2024
  • 3 replies



I have a problem When I build my envelope with additionalNotification,I want a SMS notification but the Docusign API say that my vountry_code is not present. But I made that (in PHP) :


                        $additionnalNotification = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\RecipientAdditionalNotification([

                            "secondary_delivery_method" => "SMS",

                            "phone_number" => [

                                "country_code" =>”33”,

                                "number" => “625589878”




The country code is the country code of france.


I get: 

Error while requesting server, received a non successful HTTP code [400] with response Body: O:8:"stdClass":2:{s:9:"errorCode";s:34:"INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER_FOR_RECIPIENT";s:7:"message";s:73:"The Phone number is invalid. Country code is missing. Recipient id: 10511"

Hengfeng Ge
Rising Star

as I test by REST API:

"additionalNotifications": [


"secondaryDeliveryMethod": "sms",

"phoneNumber": {

"countryCode": "86",

"number": "13912341234"





it is working. could you share the API log of the request json?



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  • December 6, 2024

Thanks ​@Hengfeng Ge, it’s ok for me. 

The php SDK not changing country_code to countryCode in JSON.


Hello Thomas,


As Hengfeng mentioned the issue is possibly caused due to possibly a syntax issue, and the sample code is valid. Here is a sample from PHP.

$additionalNotification = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\RecipientAdditionalNotification([
    "secondary_delivery_method" => "SMS",
    "phone_number" => [
        "country_code" => "33", // Ensure this is a string
        "number" => "625589878" // Ensure this contains only numeric characters

