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Question about: Production Account - Go Live Procedure - External Apps

  • August 19, 2024
  • 1 reply

  • New Voice
  • 6 replies


Is it possible to create a production account, develop an application within it, and then use that application to connect with other orgs?

Can I purchase some developer plan and deploy apps without go-live procedure? Is the procedure mandatory?

Is it necessary everytime? What if I need to have many external apps? Do I have to follow the procedure for each of them?

Which plan should I choose to work with many external apps?


@Docusign Community


1 reply


Hello Vas,


Thank you for reaching out. The Go Live process is required for each integration key that you need to promote to a production account. We typically recommend one integration key per application that you’re creating, so if you have multiple applications, you’ll need multiple integration keys resulting in needing to go through the Go Live process for each of them.


Integration keys can only be created on a free developer account, which can be created on our developer site here, if you need one.


As for the plan that you should use when you’re working with multiple applications, I would recommend reaching out to our sales team to discuss your needs so that they can assist you in the best plan for what you’re planning on building.


Best regards,

Jonathan | Docusign Developer Support