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I tried to click "finish" after getting signatures from everyone, but it is not working. I tried to log out and come back in and that did not work either. Thank you, Annette



Best answer by Community Expert

I could definitely provide a walkthrough. First locate the envelope under you Sent folder in Manage. Go to the right side of that envelope and choose the dropdown and select "Correct". It is very similar to creating a new envelope and you will be on the Document & Recipient screen. Based on the image in the post you have three Recipients who need to sign this document. Select "Next" to get to the screen where you have added fields or tags. Each Recipient is represented by a different color in the upper left dropdown of the tagging screen so you should see each Recipient represented by a different color, typically Yellow, Light Blue and Purple. Each tag or field should also be color coded to reflect which Recipient needs to take which action. So go to the second Signature tag and click on it once, now in the Right Panel at the very top under Recipient, there will be a dropdown showing which Recipient this is currently assigned to, for this Signature block you should change it to Recipient 2. Then proceed to change the 3rd Signature block so it is associated to Recipient 3. With these changes, if they are the only ones you need to make, select the "Correct" option in the top right which will finish the correction process. Now you should be able to sign as Recipient 1 in only the appropriate Signature block then it should route to the remaining Recipients (if there is a Signing Order).

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The problem is that the Sender added three Signature blocks for the same Recipient. Because these three Signature blocks are assigned to the same person and are considered "Required", you cannot Finish the envelope until all "required" fields have been filled out. The resolution is to "Finish Later" then contact the Sender who needs to "correct" the envelope and fix the field associations so that the Signatures are set to the correct Recipients.


I am the sender who needs to fix the envelope. Would it be possible to show me how?


I could definitely provide a walkthrough. First locate the envelope under you Sent folder in Manage. Go to the right side of that envelope and choose the dropdown and select "Correct". It is very similar to creating a new envelope and you will be on the Document & Recipient screen. Based on the image in the post you have three Recipients who need to sign this document. Select "Next" to get to the screen where you have added fields or tags. Each Recipient is represented by a different color in the upper left dropdown of the tagging screen so you should see each Recipient represented by a different color, typically Yellow, Light Blue and Purple. Each tag or field should also be color coded to reflect which Recipient needs to take which action. So go to the second Signature tag and click on it once, now in the Right Panel at the very top under Recipient, there will be a dropdown showing which Recipient this is currently assigned to, for this Signature block you should change it to Recipient 2. Then proceed to change the 3rd Signature block so it is associated to Recipient 3. With these changes, if they are the only ones you need to make, select the "Correct" option in the top right which will finish the correction process. Now you should be able to sign as Recipient 1 in only the appropriate Signature block then it should route to the remaining Recipients (if there is a Signing Order).

Hi again, I tried to sign in, but it says that the page is not working (error 400) and to contact the site owner. I changed my password as well, but still could not log on. What is the best way to proceed? Thank you, Annette


You get this error when you try to login to DocuSign?

Yes. I tried to log in using Chrome several times and could not get in. Now I am in Safari and it works. I'll give what you shared a try.

Hi, David. This is what I'm seeing on the screen: [cid:e4ee150c-0c5e-4a2e-9746-4d281c4e9260] Where will I find "correct?"


The image does not appear to show in the post. Could you upload another? Typically "correct" is on the right dropdown (as long as the envelope is not Complete or Void).

[cid:5b7f3a65-b4e5-4799-9a08-d9b7ab19eb7c] Let me know if you can see it now. The options are resend, move, create a copy, void, history, export as CSV, or delete. Thank you, Annette


Either the envelope cannot be corrected because it is locked (state of progress which doesn't allow Correction) or the Sender of the envelope is someone else. I cannot see the envelope so I cannot determine the issue. My recommend "voiding" this envelope, then use "Create a Copy", modify Recipients and fields a needed and Send.

Hi David, I voided the envelope and made another copy. Do I put "sign" for all three signature fields or do I need to do something differently? This is what I did last time. See below: [cid:7bb0e985-e237-4abc-9687-3719c6d0e095]


Any Recipient who needs to take an action, such as Signing or filling a text box, should be set to "Needs to Sign", and appropriately associated to the right fields via the color coded DocuSign fields.