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How to configure Docusign for intune for iOS?

  • January 23, 2025
  • 9 replies


Hi, we are trying to configure “Docusign for intune” app in our environment.

I found recent blog articles about the availability of this app:

Manage Agreements On-The-Go With Docusign's New App for Microsoft Intune App | Community

but I cannot make it work, as explained in a reply to the post above:

when I try, upon opening the app I always get an error “App is not setup”. that means that there is no App Protection Policy applied to the app. While we do have App Protection Policies implemented in our environment (applied to “All apps”), the issue is that “Docusign for intune” app is not in the list of the 168 apps affected by the app protection policies. Neither in the official list published by Microsoft of apps supporting app protection policy:

I also found somebody trying to implement some AppConfig keys for iOS, but not working, but I cannot find any documentation pointing to those keys or any other docs referencing the configuration of the app using an MDM system: Enterprise Mobility Management with intune for IOS | Community

Anyway, my main concern right now is how to apply an App Protection Policy to the “docusign for intune” app, because without that we are blocked even from logging to the app.

thanks in advance to anybody who can provide any help of guidance in the subjects above.



Best answer by MarioMC

hi ​@Alex FNMZ , I thought they had sent me a link to the doc with the keys but I cannot find it now.

I requested it again and I’ll post it here when received. in the meantime, here is what I did:

CompanyLoginDomain    String    {{UserPrincipalName}}
TenantName    String    [CompanyName as appearing in Docusign license]
EmbeddedBrowserLogin    String    { enableEmbeddedBrowserLogin: true, allowListDomains: [ “whateverYouNeedToAllow” ] }
The keys are valid for both versions of the app.
We found out we cannot use the standard version due to the problems allowing file exfiltration, so we blocked the standard version in our environment.

Just the first 2 are needed in our setup for the intune version.
They were not working initially, but after a ticket with DS support, they reckoned the issues for the AppConfig keys to be passed on to the DS for intune version, and the authentication problem, then within a week they released a new version to correct both issues.

The 3rd key above needs to be used if you want to authenticate in the app embedded browser and use WkWebkitview instead Safari (but doing that prevents the app from using the certificates stored in the device keychain, so not good if you are using cert based auth for the mobile devices.


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Hello ​@MarioMC,


Thank you for reaching out, and welcome to the Docusign Community! We appreciate your question and want to assure you that we are fully committed to providing you with the best service possible. 


I understand you are getting an 'App is not set up' error when opening the Docusign for Intune application. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. 


The error message means the app protection policies have not yet been assigned to the application.  While App Protection Policies were applied to "All Apps,” it appears that the Docusign Intune is not included.


If the Docusign Intune app shows no results, please try to find the Docusign app search within the Intune environment using the bundle ID: com.docusign.DocuSignIt.MDMIntune


Also, Microsoft added a new way to add App Store apps using its Web link:
Steps: Create app > Web-link > Fill out the App Information and add the App URL:


Next is to create and assign an app protection policy following the steps outlined here: Create and assign an app protection policy - Microsoft Intune | Microsoft Learn


Please note that this is not a product developed by Docusign, so if this recommendation does not work, kindly contact Microsoft for investigation.


Let us know if you need further assistance.


Best regards,

Melanie | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 7 replies
  • January 31, 2025

thx for your answer.

that works, I was able to add the app to the app protection polcies as a custom app.

But I still have problems to configure the app correctly. is there any documentation about the keys that can be used to configure the app? like the ones mentioned in this post:

where can I found info about them?

I tried those ones and they don’t work

thx in advance


Hello ​@MarioMC,


I hope you are doing well.


The best way is to open a case with Support: Open a case in the Docusign Support Center. However, I see that you are already communicating this with one of our dedicated support team members. They are the correct team to best assist you with your questions.


I am hoping for positive results.


Let us know if you need further assistance. Thank you!


Best regards,

Melanie | Docusign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.

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  • New Voice
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  • February 10, 2025

thanks for your reply Melanie.

I did open a ticket with support, escalated to Docusign engineering team and they found the issue. created a and released a new version of Docusign for Intune which works perfectly.

the appConfig keys are well passed on to the app and applied to prepopulate the username, also the tenant to skip the DS login screen and the authentication works as it should.

a very good support.


Hello ​@MarioMC,


That's fantastic news! I appreciate the update. Our support team cannot do this without you!


Favor, can you kindly select your answer as best? It will help other community members who might have similar questions. 


Thank you!


Best regards,

Melanie | Docusign Community Moderator

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  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply
  • February 13, 2025

Hey ​@MarioMC,
did you find any documentation about the appConfig keys required for the App to work?



  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 7 replies
  • Answer
  • February 18, 2025

hi ​@Alex FNMZ , I thought they had sent me a link to the doc with the keys but I cannot find it now.

I requested it again and I’ll post it here when received. in the meantime, here is what I did:

CompanyLoginDomain    String    {{UserPrincipalName}}
TenantName    String    [CompanyName as appearing in Docusign license]
EmbeddedBrowserLogin    String    { enableEmbeddedBrowserLogin: true, allowListDomains: [ “whateverYouNeedToAllow” ] }
The keys are valid for both versions of the app.
We found out we cannot use the standard version due to the problems allowing file exfiltration, so we blocked the standard version in our environment.

Just the first 2 are needed in our setup for the intune version.
They were not working initially, but after a ticket with DS support, they reckoned the issues for the AppConfig keys to be passed on to the DS for intune version, and the authentication problem, then within a week they released a new version to correct both issues.

The 3rd key above needs to be used if you want to authenticate in the app embedded browser and use WkWebkitview instead Safari (but doing that prevents the app from using the certificates stored in the device keychain, so not good if you are using cert based auth for the mobile devices.


  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 7 replies
  • February 18, 2025

I forgot, to have a correct app protection policy applied, on top of the Docusign specific keys mentioned above I also deployed the following keys, same as for the other apps using AppProtectionPolicies:

IntuneMAMUPN           String     {{userprincipalname}}
IntuneMAMOID            String     {{userid}}
IntuneMAMDeviceID    String     {{deviceID}}
IntuneMAMRequireAccounts  String   Enabled
IntuneMAMAllowedAccountsOnly  String   Enabled


  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 7 replies
  • February 19, 2025

hi ​@Alex FNMZ , I requested the link again but the doc is not available publically for now. if you open a request with the support they will send it to you.

I attached the file here below, so you or anybody else can access it.