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A witness has put their name instead of their address on a document so it is incorrect, how do we correct this, can the witness re-access the document and do it again or do we need to resend the whole document for everyone to sign again.

  • March 28, 2023
  • 1 reply

A witness has put their name instead of their address on a document so it is incorrect, how do we correct this, can the witness re-access the document and do it again or do we need to resend the whole document for everyone to sign again.

Best answer by Community Expert


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

If the recipient already finish their part and the envelope is still open, you could potentially use the Mark Up tool, please see

If the envelope is already completed, a new envelope must be sent.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

If the recipient already finish their part and the envelope is still open, you could potentially use the Mark Up tool, please see

If the envelope is already completed, a new envelope must be sent.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.