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Radio Buttons and removing red border


I'm still learning the ropes of DocuSign, and trying to adapt some PDF forms to DocuSign, to make it easier for all parties involved.  The documents are not ours, so we cannot alter those and must work around how they have the document set up.

The solution to my problem is simple, but I'm not sure how to get the solution.  I need the red borders removed for Radio buttons because several questions are a 'choose 1' scenario.  The red boxes surrounding the button overlap each other and it looks very messy from the signer's point-of-view.

Everything I've read says this is not possible, but I just find that hard to believe, it's just too simple and I can't be the only one in this situation.

Thank you for any help!

Best answer by Community Expert

In the signing resource file, you can customize the border color required tags by modifying this value:

<data name="DocuSign_TabRequiredBorderColor">#FFFFFF</data>

Note that changing this will affect required fields of more types than just radio buttons.

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Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!

The red borders are not visible on the completed envelopes.  However, you may want to talk to Customer Support to see if there is a way to remove the borders.

You can contact Customer Support via the following link:



Thank you. 

Donna DocuSign Support Community Moderator  


Thank you, I've submitted a ticket to customer support.  I wish it were a simple solution but I guess that's the name of the game!


In the signing resource file, you can customize the border color required tags by modifying this value:

<data name="DocuSign_TabRequiredBorderColor">#FFFFFF</data>

Note that changing this will affect required fields of more types than just radio buttons.


Thank you NA1 Feynman.  Support let me know they are red because they are a required field, which hadn't even occured to me, which goes along with your response also.  Since I am not the only one on this account that uses the form (and we have several other templates set up that I don't want to change), I'll see if I can find another solution to work, which will likely entail staggering the buttons (don't like the look of that) or talking to the document creator to re-design the form.

As always, thanks for your help!

  • Newcomer
  • 1 reply
  • September 2, 2024

@Community User @Community Member @Community Expert  Do we have any other solution. Kindly share the same to remove the red border.. in the template