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Is it possible to have multiple recipients that need to sign, but only have the document go to whoever is next in the signing order?

  • January 16, 2018
  • 6 replies


I'm trying to use DocuSign to get approval signatures, but they need to be in a specific order.  I can set the signing order, but only want the person who has to currently sign the document to receive it.  Currently, all recipients receive the document when I send it out.  I have signers that don't want to look at something that has not been approved by their subordinates.  Is there any way to do this besides sending separate envelopes?

Best answer by Community Expert

When creating the envelope, you can check the "Set signing order" box to set the order of your recipients.
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  • Docusign Employee
  • 1935 replies
  • Answer
  • January 16, 2018

When creating the envelope, you can check the "Set signing order" box to set the order of your recipients.


Thanks for the response.  I did this originally as I thought it would do what I wanted, but the document was sent to all recipients at the same time.  Not sure how this function is supposed to work.  Maybe it is sent to everyone, but they can't sign it unless others in the order before them sign it.  Or maybe the function just didn't work for me.  I'm new to this, so not sure how it is supposed to work.



Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!

When you assigned the signing order, did you notice if the corresponding boxes in front of the recipients/signers showed the order below? 

1 - Recipient 1

2 - Recipient 2

3 - Recipient 3 

If it doesn't, please let us know. 

Another question is what is the action that you're requesting of the recipients - is it Needs to Sign or something else? 

Thank you, Feynman, for the assist!

Donna | DocuSign Support Community Moderator


Hi, Donna.

Yes, they did have those boxes in front of them.  And, yes, I selected Needs to Sign.  If I did all these things, should it have only gone to one person at a time?  Thanks for the help.




Yes - if you did those things, the envelope should go to the first recipient only. Once that person signs and completes it, it would move on to the next recipient.

Please contact Customer Support - there's something going on that not quite right and I want a Rep to assist you with finding out what's going on. You may contact by ( clicking here and choosing either the chat or phone option.



Follow-on question! If you have multiple signers and don't check "set signing order", I get that all the signers receive the envelope at the same time--I assume their individual actions are then accumulated into one fully signed document?