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Contracts Locked for Signature for a Period of Time


I work in franchising and the FTC requires a “cooling off” period, in which a document has to be sent, or “disclosed,” but it cannot be signed for a certain number of days (usually 7 or 14). Is there a way docusign can send documents but not allow a signature until a certain date or number of days in the future? 

2 replies

Valued Contributor
  • Valued Contributor
  • 968 replies
  • June 29, 2024


You can use DocuSign's delay feature to set up your envelope as follows:

  1. Create Two Signing Orders: Use the recipient's name and email in both orders. The first order is for review, and the second is for signing.

  2. Review Role: In the first order, the recipient reviews the document. If there are fields you want them to see (besides the signature and date), ensure they are set as pre-filled fields.  Assign “Needs to View”

  3. Delay Signing: In the second order, add a delay to prevent signing until the specified period has passed. Assign the signature field and date sign to this role. 

This setup allows your recipient to review the document during the cooling-off period and sign afterward.


You can find more information here about Add a Delay Between Recipients (

If the recipient does not have to see the information, then you can skip the first role and just add a delay to the recipient.  

  • Community Moderator
  • 2554 replies
  • July 15, 2024

Hello @seantrbi ,

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Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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