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make changes to a partially signed document without triggering re-signing

  • December 14, 2024
  • 4 replies



I have a partially signed document.

2 out of 4 have signed


I would like to make changes in the doc, in the means that the 2 remaining ones need to also sign at an additional place where the 2 that already have signed added there an extra signature.


If I go into editing, correction mode, I could do that but Im afraid if such changes would trigger that the 2 that already have signed, will receive the document again to repeat and sign again?

Can someone confirm if I do not make changes applied to the 2 users that have already signed, that the other changes wont trigger them to sign again.


Many thanks


4 replies

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  • December 14, 2024


When editing or correcting a DocuSign envelope after some recipients have already signed, the impact on the previously signed recipients depends on the type of changes you make. Once a document has been partially signed, it becomes locked for editing to ensure the integrity of the signatures that have already been applied. This means that you cannot directly modify the content of the document itself (e.g., adding extra text, moving fields, or replacing the file).


Hengfeng Ge
Rising Star
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  • December 14, 2024


please reference this document:How Correct Works


For the envelope documents, you can add and delete files, and add or change recipient fields. If any recipient has completed signing, you can no longer delete or reorder the existing files. You can still add new files, and add fields to existing files.


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When correcting an envelope who has already signed will not be affected if you do a change for the next two signers hadn’t signed yet. Of course, you cannot change the document after is has been signed for the previous ones. The previous ones will not receive the same envelope again except if you include them again in the list of signers then add a new signer here field in the document.

At the end of signing process, everyone who signed will get an email with a link to the signed document or perhaps attached it to the email accordingly your account configuration.

In another scenario, if you are correcting an envelope where someone already signed a document, then you add a new document (added not replaced it because it is not possible), in such scenario you should include again who signed that previous document in the list again so they can sign the new added one.


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