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Webform / templates



I have just upgrade dmy plan to be able to use webforms, i have created a webform from a template, howevr on my test run after filling in the details on the webform, it has not then populated that data into the template when it goes for signature, i hope that makes sense?!

14 replies

Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

Hello @PaulBattle17 

When you create the web form, did you place the fields on the template? just like drag and drop fields on template?


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  • July 9, 2024

hi thank you , i think so? its odd because some fields are mapping correctyl whilst others are not


These are mapping correctly and pulling through to the template


This is an example of the one not working




This is where its not populating onto the template


Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

Okay, Can you check the “Data Label” the field which are not populating. sometimes it can cause.


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  • July 9, 2024

hi thank you what should I be checking please?

Here is a screenshot


Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

Yeah That’s correct, you have to make sure that every field have the name in “Data Labile”. and I would suggest do that on the template setting not on web form directly.

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  • July 10, 2024

hi Pawan thank you , still not working, please see screenshots below





Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

Hey @PaulBattle17 

Okay, Go to the “templates” tab follow the ss:


Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star

And also if not worked you can follow the video link which is very helpful.
Recorded and posted on youtube by @sofian_solusign.



Thanks @Pawan Gangwani 

One thing to consider is that once a webform is created, a duplicate template is created. This template can only be found through the webform in the ‘Signature’ section.


So if edits need to be made to the template, going to the templates tab will not help. Our team has just realized this last week.


That might be the issue that @PaulBattle17 is facing.

Sofian Saoudi | Founder @Solusign Consulting - Docusign Partner

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  • July 12, 2024

Thank you to you both for your help


I dont know how but we managed to get it resolved however what I wanted was the webform to be filled out by individuals separately


Basically, I am an estate agent, and when we send our valuation email after the appointment, I wanted to include a link that prospective clients could click on and sign the terms of business there and then. However that contract needs to be edited for each property as there are unique values that change, such as price and fee, I can do this in my CRM and send it out for signature, but obvioulsy requires my input, I was hpoing for somehting more automated and I thought the webform woudl enable that but it also only allows one person to input data into the webform before it then goes to the signature section for each recipient etc

Pawan Gangwani
Rising Star
sofian_solusign wrote:

Thanks @Pawan Gangwani 

One thing to consider is that once a webform is created, a duplicate template is created. This template can only be found through the webform in the ‘Signature’ section.


So if edits need to be made to the template, going to the templates tab will not help. Our team has just realized this last week.


That might be the issue that @PaulBattle17 is facing.

Sofian Saoudi | Founder @Solusign Consulting - Docusign Partner

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Oh that’s the great finding. I will keep that in mind.

@PaulBattle17 Yeah that’s true. but it’s good that you resolved it.


@PaulBattle17 you can prefill the webform automatically with your CRM, you just need an integration that will populate the fields after pressing a button. I’ll make a video to show you 

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  • July 18, 2024
sofian_solusign wrote:

@PaulBattle17 you can prefill the webform automatically with your CRM, you just need an integration that will populate the fields after pressing a button. I’ll make a video to show you 

Did you create a video?

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  • August 1, 2024

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