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How do I grab/import data from Salesforce to the CLM?


Hey all,

Currently I stuck getting data from Salesforce in order to use it in a workflow. So far I can tried to use the Salesforce ETL workflow step for it. However, it constantly fails.

In order to get the data from the Salesforce object (Opportunity), I tried e.g. the following setup:

Salesforce Object Type: Opportunity

Salesforce Object id: I used the Opportunity id (18-digits) referring to one specific record (hardcoded)

Additionally, I created Configuration Variable with the following input in order to get the name and stage of the Opportunity:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





Resulting into the following translation:

 DocuSign - CLM 

My questions regarding this topic:

  1. is the workflow step Salesforce ETL the correct step? if so:
    1. is it correct to use the 18-digits opportunity id
    2. Did I do something wrong with the xml file? Unfortunately, I could not find anything documented referring to the DocuSign CLM

Thank you for your help in advance and best regards,


Best answer by Community Expert

Hi Marco,

You are headed in the right direction. The Salesforce ETL step is used to query Salesforce from the workflow. The easiest way to get started is to develop a document generation form that returns the Salesforce information that you want. Reference that form as configuration inside the step and it will return the information from Salesforce.

Please come back and post whether or not this works for you.



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Hi Marco,

You are headed in the right direction. The Salesforce ETL step is used to query Salesforce from the workflow. The easiest way to get started is to develop a document generation form that returns the Salesforce information that you want. Reference that form as configuration inside the step and it will return the information from Salesforce.

Please come back and post whether or not this works for you.




Thank you, I tested it and it worked like a charm.


I also wanted to get more details about that step Salesforce ETL in workflow. That´s frustrasting once I don´t get any documentation to help on this.



1st Step - prepare the form

  • Create a form. make sure you clicked on the checkboximage
  • as you can see, DocuSign will access the Salesforce objects and their according fields from which you can chose what you need. In the example, I only want to have the address from Salesforceimage

2nd Step - create a workflow using the Salesforce ETL step

  • add object name to "Salesforce Object Type". It needs to match with the chosen object type from the form
  • add the ID of Salesforce to the "Salesforce Object ID"
  • pick the button "Configuration Document Generation Form
  • chose the form just created above
  • create a variable where the information will be storedimage
  • save and publish the setup

3rd Step - run the workflow

  • you will find the information from Salesforce in the output variable. In the example it is called SalesforceOutput

I hope it helps. best regards,



hi Marcos! Thank you so much for your answer! It helped me a lot to understand now.

I have two points yet to reach out where I am am confused:

1 - how can I pass the dynamic parameter from the from to the workflow;

2 - how the variable parse works to map all the fields merged into the workflow.

thank you again!


the second screen shot follows


Hey Marcio,

I think I do not fully understand your question:

Question 1

When you talk about dynamic parameter, do you talk about the Record ID from Salesforce. Do you talk about the results from the parameter?

The Record ID are stored in the attribute of the DocuSign folder, but only if Salesforce tried to access the DocuSign CLM Files which you can find in the Salesforce Page Layout of the Salesforce Object. The attribute in the folder looks like this and ca be directly accessed via a workflow in DocuSign (Find Folder should be the step - not tested)


If you need the results from the form directly you basically have two ways to store it.

Example 1 - Add metadata to document

  • in workflow add the step "Update Document Metadata"
  • Pick the attribute
  • Add the "New Variable Value" by writing it in the following structure:
    • <%#XmlVariables.ContractOutput.TemplateFieldData.Business_Unit%>
    • you use XMLVariables because your variable has nodes. Without nodes it would be called: <%#Variables.ContractOutput%>

Example 2 - add a variables to the workflow which then can be used further in your workflow.

  • Further "Create a Variable" which will be stored in the workflow - let's say call it "BusinessUnit" and it is a string
  • in workflow add the step "Update Varaibel Value"
  • Pick the vairable "BusinessUnit" which you have just created
  • Assign the "New Variable Value" to the variable by using the either the structrure above:
    • <%#XmlVariables.ContractOutput.TemplateFieldData.Business_Unit%>
  • or click on the gear and get the information by using C#
    • GetVariableValue("ContractOutput.TemplateFieldData.Business_Unit")

Advantage of example two. if you have a bug you can easier figure it out where the issue might be. Howeverm your workflow becomes lengthy and you can lose an overview where was what and when be stored.

Question 2

Here I really do not know what you mean with variable parse. I really do not know what you mean the variable parse. It would be great if you can specify it a bit more

Best regards,


Justin Jiang
Digital Collaborator
  • Digital Collaborator
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  • April 25, 2024

Is there a support document on this?

  • Conversation Starter
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  • August 15, 2024


May I ask if there is a way to use that expression builder if the Configuration Document Generation Form is selected. The reason for this is the form that we will be using is dynamic so I need c# for it. The problem is it does not accept it when I am trying to return the Document Generation Form Name. Can you help me with this? It would really help a lot.


Thank you!

  • Newcomer
  • 3 replies
  • March 7, 2025

Is there an example of using the ‘Configuration Variable’ with A SOQL Query in an Update Variable Value Step?

Configuration Variable: Specifies an XML variable whose value contains a valid SOQL query describing the data to read from the Salesforce record. The variable’s value must also contain the schema of the output variable that stores the result. A configuration variable works similarly to a configuration document, except the XML variable’s value gets crafted directly in the workflow. In the Update Variable Value workflow step, you use an expression to craft the SOQL query. The step then assigns the query to an XML variable. Use a configuration variable when your query contains dynamic parameters. The parameters can be dynamically inserted into the SOQL query when using the expression. An example is a query with a WHERE clause that uses a data point whose value might change for each workflow.

The ETL step keeps failing; what would the Update Variable Value step look like?
