Hi all,
I am building a template and I want to hide certain rows if the value is 0 (like discount, or sub-total) - we are splitting the costs for the customer into recurring and one-time, and they are both not always applying.
In our Suppress Table Row XPATH, we are looking at the field type currency - we want to hide it for all currencies.
Is there an easier way, than what we did, to always hide the field, when the value is 0, instead of using text() and adding the currency symbol like we do currently?
<# <SuppressTableRow Test="count (/Quote/Field1__c [text()!='0,00 €'])=0"/>#> <# <SuppressTableRow Test="count (/Quote/Field1__c [text()!='0,00 Fr'])=0"/>#> <# <SuppressTableRow Test="count (/Quote/Field1__c [text()!='0,00 zł'])=0"/>#> |
I am certain there must be a more efficient way like using CONTAINS (?).
We are quite new to this feature, so any help is appreciated.