I am trying to fulfill a business partner request to create email messages referencing other recipients. I know there are ways to write the [[Data:Recipient Name]] but it is different from using an ECF. Does anyone have a cheat sheet that has all the hacks you can use in the verbiage of email message when using multiple recipients and specific email messages as you progress through the workflow?
email message hacks

Best answer by DillonCotter
Hi Musha,
As far as I’m aware, while you can pass a recipient’s name/email in an email subject, it is not the same for an email body (would be great if I am wrong!)
I have put together the following events that appear in the brand xml resource file that has meaning for my use. This is a curated list so there’s more, but hopefully this gives you a start.
Common Data fields:
[[Data:PurgeDate]] - The date/time the document will purge after completion
[[Data:DocumentCode]] - Provides an alpha numeric code that can be entered into Docusign for alternate access
[[Data:SenderName]] - Name of the sender
[[Data:RecipientName]] - Name of the recipient
[[Data:EmailBlurb]] - Message declared in the template/envelope creation
[[Data:Subject]] - The envelope subject declared in the template/envelope creation
[[Data:SenderEmail]] - Email address of the sender
[[Data:EnvelopeExpirationDate]] - Expiration date of the envelope (formatted in ISO)
[[Data:DeclinerName]] - Recipient who declined the envelope
[[Data:DeclineReason]] - Reason recipient declined envelope
[[Data:EnvelopeID]] - The ID of the envelope
[[Data:VoidReason]] - Reason sender has voided the envelope
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