I will try to keep this clear and concise.
I have a form that employees fill out when they have travelled for work and need reimbursement. This form does not belong to my group so I cannot change the contents of the form without it being rejected for processing so adding additional visible fields is out of the question. I’ve got the template mostly built out in DocuSign with the intention of turning it into a web form for everyone to use.
I’m making use of invisible (white text on a white background) “flag” text fields to control the showing or hiding of certain fields and rows based on users responses. The condition I’m trying to build is: depending on whether the employee traveled in state, out of state, or a mixture of both one or possibly two fields need to be populated witt the total cost of travel expenses split out into in state costs in 1291 and out of state costs in 1292.
There are formula fields called 1291 for in state travel costs, 1292 for out of state travel costs, and two additional text fields called 1291Both & 1292Both for when there is a mixture of in and out of state travel that requires manual calculation by the submitter (since there is no way to programatically know which lines are in state vs out of state travel without adding additional fields). The flag fields that control the display of these four fields are called 1291Flag, 1292Flag, & bothFlag.

My initial plan was to make a checkbox group in the web form that is not tied to a form field (so they won’t show on the final PDF) and give it the following conditional logic:
IF “In State Travel” is Checked Then HIDE fields 1292Flag & bothFlag
IF “Out of State Travel” is Checked Then HIDE fields 1291Flag & bothFlag.
IF “Both” is checked Then HIDE fields 1291Flag & 1292Flag.
I’ve since discovered that web forms apparently don’t let you hide a field more than once in any conditional logic rule. So since I referenced the bothFlag in my in state travel conditional I can’t reference it again in the next rule either via selecting from the auto complete or trying to type it in manually.

I’m having trouble coming up with a way around this that would still allow me to do at least some of these calculations for the submitter. We prefer to use calculated fields to reduce user errors in entry or user math.
Any docusign wizards here who have an idea of how I could make this work in the web form? Or am I going to have to make these two fields manually calculated and entered by the submitter?