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How do I set up template to pre-upload folks info with necessary information in specific areas of the form?



I have a template set-up but is there any way we can skip the process of having external folks do anything with the form? We're thinking of automatically exporting the folk’s data, then pre-upload their info to the form with all the information in it, bulk sign and send them out. How do we set this up? Do we have to have that bulk list ready to set up those automations?

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  • April 24, 2024

@jcriollo - You can use the Bulk send feature to pre-populate the data on the form.   You can also set the fields to be read-only but might run the risk of having the signers not able to correct the data.   You will need to have your template ready with clear and descriptive fields so you can create the CSV file and pre-populate the data that way.

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  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • April 25, 2024

Do you know how we would need to set-up the CSV file? Is there a template provided? Also, do you know if we can do like a bulk sign-off? Like once all this information pre-populates, we then send to the main point person to sign and then have it sent to the recipient. 

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  • April 25, 2024

@jcriollo - When you have added all the fields on your template, you can select Use the template. (You won’t send it yet).  In the Add recipients area your will see a link to Bulk send.  Click it.   This will take you to where you can upload your CSV file. (But you don’t have it yet)


You will also find and option to Download a Sample CSV with all your labels on the headings of the CSV.

There is not an option to Bulk Sign.   Once you do a Bulk Send, there will be each independent envelope to process.   You can add the signature to your Document and have it be part of the template.



Hi @jcriollo,


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Alejandro R. | Docusign Community Moderator   

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  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 15, 2024

Hi there. What criteria should I be adding to my CSV list? I am trying to set-up fields in the template so it’s ready for that list upload but won’t let me unless it’s linked to a contact. Can you provide some guidance here? 

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  • May 15, 2024

@jcriollo - What error message are you getting?  You heading for the CSV file should look something like this.

Name and Email are required for all the roles.  One line per envelope sent.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 16, 2024

Awesome! So I’m thinking of having my CSV set-up with Training - Date of Training (this will be different based on who attended on what day - June 5 or 6), Total Training CEU hours, Attendee First Name, Attendee Last Name, and then Session Name (the hope here is that DocuSign checks off the one that’s under this for each person), Email (to send to people who got certified).

Process would be to have the attached template ready (can you confirm this is set-up correctly?), then upload my CSV file with the information above, and have it pull information for each person, and once populated, it’ll send to final person to sign off, which will then send to the people who were certified through their email.

I’m moreso looking for things to be able to pre-populate in DocuSign from an upload and then once all of that’s ready, then send to the one person who needs to sign. 

Is that the correct way of thinking of it? How can I make sure the workflow is set up correctly?

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  • May 16, 2024

@jcriollo - The template you have attached has been removed.  But I think you have the right setup.   You can always do a small test with just two recipients in your Demo environment.   You can use a personal Gmail account and use this technique (, to email to different recipients. 

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  • New Voice
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  • May 16, 2024

And then confirming if those custom fields are supposed to pull from the Excel sheet? 

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  • May 16, 2024

@jcriollo - Yes, all fields including custom fields should come up on your CSV sample file, if they are on your template.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Hi there! I just did a bulk send and added the custom fields so CSV information can be pulled in once it’s sent but it didn’t pull any information. Can you walk me through how to do this specifically? I created the CSV with the template, created custom fields, and bulk sent. 

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  • May 17, 2024

@jcriollo - Can you take a screenshot of what your CSV heading looks like and the first 2 rows with data?

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  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Attached is the requested information. 

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  • New Voice
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  • May 17, 2024

Can you provide insight on why fields weren’t pulled? I have the custom fields names the same as what’s in the CSV to make sure information is pulled. 

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  • May 17, 2024

@jcriollo - Do you not have any Data Label fields?  Just Envelope Custom Fields?  From your example above, I see that Training - Date of Training, Total Training CEU hours, Attendee First Name, Attendee Last Name, etc.  These fields would be show up on your CSV as Role 1::Training - Date of Training, Role 1::Attendee First Name, and so on.   These fields would be populated from the CSV file onto your envelope.   The Envelope Custom Fields are part of the envelope but not visible on the form itself, but they would come up on reports. 

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  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 17, 2024

What’s the difference of the data label fields and envelope custom fields? I added Role 1::Name, Role 1::Email, Envelope Custom Field 1, Envelope Custom Field 2, Envelope Custom Field 3 in the CSV and put information under there to align with the custom fields I created in the template. I added Custom Fields in the template and named them the same so they can pre-fill prior to it being sent to the signer but it did not populate. 

I’m at a loss at how this information will get pulled. Is there anybody in your team that could take a look at the template in my profile rather than going back and forth? Trying to get this figured out ASAP. 

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  • May 17, 2024

@jcriollo - Data Label Fields and Envelope Custom Fields serve different purposes and are used in different contexts within the platform.

These are your Data Labels Fields


These are your Envelope Custom Fields:



  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Thanks. Can you please explain the context on when these are used then? 


Again, I made the below CSV file with intent of using it during the bulk send and have it pre-fill items, pulled from the CSV, once it’s sent. Below is the CSV file with the names I wanted it to link to in the custom field. 



Below is how I have my template laid out. I am naming the custom fields’ data label the same as the labels in the CSV so it can pull accordingly, but it’s not pulling information. Can you explain why or what next steps I should take? 


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  • May 17, 2024

@jcriollo - 

Data label fields are used to identify and categorize the information contained within a form or document. 

Envelope custom fields are used to store additional metadata about the envelope (the container for documents and recipients) itself. They provide a way to track and manage custom information related to the entire envelope, rather than specific document fields.

You named your Data Label “Envelope Custom Field 2” that is OK. but you can actually name it “Training - Date of Training” 

These Data label fields in your case, has to be associated to one of the roles on the form to be able to pass data from the CSV.  You can make them read only if your don’t want the recipient to be able to make changes.   So, the heading on your CSV for this fields need to say Role 1::Envelope Custom Field 2, per your example. Also, for the other fields.

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  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Thanks! This was helpful but now only portion of the CSV is being pulled. The name and CEU credits don’t get pulled, despite the Data Label including the name in the CSV and the CSV being adjusted. Any suggestions on how to fix this? 


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  • May 17, 2024

@jcriollo - Extract another Sample CSV since you updated the template to confirm all the fields are there.   If that does not work, delete the fields not populating and create them again.  Make sure each field is assigned to a recipient, in your case Role 1.

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Hi there. Still not working. I updated the data label to reflect what is on the CSV and deleted and added in and nothing. Any other workarounds?

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  • May 17, 2024

@jcriollo - Did you download a new sample CSV?  Make sure you don’t have any validation settings enabled for that field.   So, it is working for all other fields but not those two?

  • Author
  • New Voice
  • 16 replies
  • May 29, 2024

So I was able to figure out the name portion but I could not figure out how to have the Session Title to be reflected in the checkboxes. Idea is to have the session title in the Excel be check-boxed with the one in the template. Can you explain how to do this? 

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  • May 29, 2024

@jcriollo - What are you using for your Checkbox Values?