Hello, @Mikey
Welcome to the DocuSign Community!
If your dad has a DocuSign account, the best way to achieve his request is this:
- Create a new envelope
- Add the pre filled .PDF document
- Add the recipient(s) - i.e. the signer
- Customize the email subject and body text for the signer’s notification
- Add fields as Name, email, Sign here, and others to the .PDF document then click on Send button.
- The signer will receive such notification with a button: Review Document
- The signer will fill up any text field present in the .PDF (if necessary), sign and complete the signing process.
- Your daddy as the Sender (or owner) of the Envelope can see in real time through the option Historial all actions taken by the signee as when the envelope was opened, viewed, and signed.
- That synch request between machines will not be necessary since DocuSign eSignature platform takes care to synchronize the actions taken by the recipients and sender.
If your dad wants the signer to be in front of him to sign the document, you can set a recipient action as “In Person Signer”. The signer can access the envelope using that tablet you mentioned then sign the .PDF form.
I hope that helps!