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Changing a document after it has been sent and before it has been signed.


I sent out a real estate sales contract to the buyer.  The buyer asked me to change the closing date.  I deleted that document from the packet and inserted a replacement document.  Now I need to put in the initial and signing locations and resend the entire packet.   Is this possible?  Or do I have to just resent the entire packet and redo all the signing and initial locations? 

Best answer by Alexandre.Augusto

Hello, @Andi S 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


After an envelope be sent it’s possible to change their content (remove/add documents) and change the recipients (change/add/remove) while the document was not signed.


To do that, go the Manage page to find the specific envelope, select it then use the option Correct, the envelope will change the status for Correcting. While the envelope is in Correcting status, nobody will be able to sign it.

Now, you can add/remove the non signed document(s), add/remove/change any recipient, go to the document page and add the Sign Here and others fields in the new added document. In general when you remove a document from the envelope all the fields to the signers are removed so you need to add them again. To avoid that, instead remove the document you can Replace it with other document. In the Envelope you can click in the 3 dots menu then select Replace, see the figure:

After replacing the document, you can add/remove any recipient if needed then go to the next page where you can see the new document and add or repositioning the fields to the recipients.

After doing everything you need, just click in the right bottom corner in the button Correct to finish the correction. Now the envelope can be signed by the recipients. You’re using the same envelope and the signers can use the same link received in the email notification to sign the document.


I hope that helps!


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Docusign Employee

Hello, @Andi S 


Welcome to the DocuSign Community!


After an envelope be sent it’s possible to change their content (remove/add documents) and change the recipients (change/add/remove) while the document was not signed.


To do that, go the Manage page to find the specific envelope, select it then use the option Correct, the envelope will change the status for Correcting. While the envelope is in Correcting status, nobody will be able to sign it.

Now, you can add/remove the non signed document(s), add/remove/change any recipient, go to the document page and add the Sign Here and others fields in the new added document. In general when you remove a document from the envelope all the fields to the signers are removed so you need to add them again. To avoid that, instead remove the document you can Replace it with other document. In the Envelope you can click in the 3 dots menu then select Replace, see the figure:

After replacing the document, you can add/remove any recipient if needed then go to the next page where you can see the new document and add or repositioning the fields to the recipients.

After doing everything you need, just click in the right bottom corner in the button Correct to finish the correction. Now the envelope can be signed by the recipients. You’re using the same envelope and the signers can use the same link received in the email notification to sign the document.


I hope that helps!


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  • 1 reply
  • March 22, 2024

That worked!!!!! Thank you very much for your quick reply.    

Docusign Employee

I’m glad that worked well for you!


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