I am new to docusign and used the program for the first time today.
I have a document that requires about 100 signatures. If I send the document to multiple recipiants, how do I get all of the signtures on one document?
Also, if there are any receipiants the choose not to sign, would I be able to edit the document after sending to recipiants to get rid of the fields showing the non signers since they will remain blank if I dont remove them.
Best answer by Community Expert
Hi, Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!If you need 100 signatures on the same document, you'll have to add 100 recipients so that there will be corresponding signature tags for each of them.For more information, please read (https://support.docusign.com/guides/ndse-user-guide-send-a-document) Sending Documents for Signature .If you need 100 people to sign individual copies of the same document, you may want to consider (https://support.docusign.com/guides/ndse-user-guide-send-a-document-using-bulk-send) Bulk Send (which is available on certain plans). I want to also let you know that if a recipient decides to not sign the document and selects the "Decline to Sign" option it will void the document for everyone listed on the document. Donna DocuSign Support Community Moderator
Hi, Welcome to the DocuSign Support Community!If you need 100 signatures on the same document, you'll have to add 100 recipients so that there will be corresponding signature tags for each of them.For more information, please read (https://support.docusign.com/guides/ndse-user-guide-send-a-document) Sending Documents for Signature .If you need 100 people to sign individual copies of the same document, you may want to consider (https://support.docusign.com/guides/ndse-user-guide-send-a-document-using-bulk-send) Bulk Send (which is available on certain plans). I want to also let you know that if a recipient decides to not sign the document and selects the "Decline to Sign" option it will void the document for everyone listed on the document. Donna DocuSign Support Community Moderator
what if it is only two signatures required on one document. Do I send it to both recipients or just to the one. It is two people in the same household.
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