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Preventing possible forgery


I have good reason to believe that a former employer may attempt to forge my digital signature on a revised contract that I never received, nor signed, during my employment with them. This would benefit them greatly and save them a lot of money. Is it possible for them to create a fake email account in my name and sign the documents as me? What protection/safeguards does DocuSign provide to prevent this from happening? Is there anything further that I can do? Also, if this does happen, how can I prove that I never signed it? PLEASE HELP SAVE MY SANITY!

Best answer by Community Expert

Welcome to the Community Brian, I am sorryt to hear that but DocuSign is just the platform for Digital Transaction Management. So although we have developed DocuSign to meet the highest legal requirements, we cannot prevent fraud. Similar to when mailing a letter, the Postal Office cannot prevent someone from forging a Sent by Address. However, each DocuSign transaction automatically generates and stores a complete, time-stamped history of every send, view, print, sign, or decline action. This information is captured in the DocuSign Certificate of Completion that is generated for every DocuSign transaction. Any party to the transaction who wants to review the activity associated with a document can view, download or print the Certificate of Completion for that document to verify the transaction. DocuSign's court-admissible, digitally signed, and tamper-evident Certificate of Completion contains a comprehensive audit trail that includes:
  • Signing parties’ names
  • Digital signatures
  • Email addresses
  • Public IP addresses
  • Signing location (if provided)
  • Chain of custody (sent, viewed, signed, etc.)
  • Timestamps
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Welcome to the Community Brian, I am sorryt to hear that but DocuSign is just the platform for Digital Transaction Management. So although we have developed DocuSign to meet the highest legal requirements, we cannot prevent fraud. Similar to when mailing a letter, the Postal Office cannot prevent someone from forging a Sent by Address. However, each DocuSign transaction automatically generates and stores a complete, time-stamped history of every send, view, print, sign, or decline action. This information is captured in the DocuSign Certificate of Completion that is generated for every DocuSign transaction. Any party to the transaction who wants to review the activity associated with a document can view, download or print the Certificate of Completion for that document to verify the transaction. DocuSign's court-admissible, digitally signed, and tamper-evident Certificate of Completion contains a comprehensive audit trail that includes:
  • Signing parties’ names
  • Digital signatures
  • Email addresses
  • Public IP addresses
  • Signing location (if provided)
  • Chain of custody (sent, viewed, signed, etc.)
  • Timestamps
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Protection from 'fraudulent' signature

I have had the following question from a client:  "What would prevent someone sending a document to themselves and then fraudulently signing on my behalf" 

Welcome to the Community Clare, I have merged your post with a previously answered discussion. Can you please view my comment above to help inform your client? 



Did you ever get this forgery problem resolved?


Marc David,

How do I get the certificate of completion on a document sent to me? I have the envelope ID. You stated above that any party could obtain it.