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Can reminders be adjusted on envelopes after they are sent? I have a bulk send recipient that is asking for reminders to be stopped.


Recipient says she was initially getting 2 reminders daily.

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Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

Yes, you can adjust the reminders after the envelope is sent, but it will depend on the account configuration.

If you only need to change one envelope, you can use the "Correct" feature to edit the Reminders settings

More information at

If you need to do it for the whole batch that you sent using Bulk Sending, you can use the Bulk send action, to edit the whole batch.

More information at

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

Yes, you can adjust the reminders after the envelope is sent, but it will depend on the account configuration.

If you only need to change one envelope, you can use the "Correct" feature to edit the Reminders settings

More information at

If you need to do it for the whole batch that you sent using Bulk Sending, you can use the Bulk send action, to edit the whole batch.

More information at

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue.


Christel, we have recipients reporting that they are receiving multiple reminders a day as well. It should only be one (max) a day, per envelope, unless the sender manually clicks [Resend], but that's not happening.

So the automatic reminders seem to be sending multiple times at a point in time when they should only send once.

Like maybe DocuSign's sending mechanism isn't sure it sent the first time, so it sends again, just to be sure.

Which ends up confusing recipients.

Could it be because there are automatic reminders set on the account level, and also the envelope level? I went in and corrected the envelope for one user who asked not to receive any more reminders, and set it to 7 days, but she said she still got one the next day. Christel Tatro Marketing Coordinator Stonehill Communities


Those should be the same, in my experience. Account should be admin setting that shows the default for envelopes, which can either be forced on all envelopes, or left free for senders to adjust per envelope/per template.

It would be exceptionally poor design to have two different settings that each send reminders...



Thank you for the information, only one reminder should be sent from the system, regardless of the account-wide settings about it, for this I recommend opening a case with DocuSign Support and providing them with the envelope ID of the affected envelope and requesting them to do a notification query to determine the cause of this.

Where can I find the Envelope ID?

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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