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Bulk Send Best Practice


We use Workday and I run into this error of "Envelope Allowance Exceeded" when testing to send e-sign documents to a large population. Is this due to how many document/envelope I am sending per day/hour? I already have a case opened with Docusign but I am being referred back Workday and meanwhile Workday is referring me back to Docusign. We are in the process of setting up a 3 way meeting.

Could someone please explain to me the logic behind bulk send and how do I manage this in testing and production environment? For example, I can only send a document to 100 workers per hour?

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Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

The envelope allowance error you are getting is not due to the Bulk Send feature, but due to the number of envelopes you need to send being higher than the number of envelopes you have at your current disposal, each plan type has a certain amount of envelope they can send per month/year/user, please view:

In other words, if you need to send 100 envelopes, but you only have available 70 in your account, it will show you that error. I hope that makes sense.

Regarding Bulk Send, the idea is for you to prepare 1 document and send it to several people at the same time for each to receive it individually, this feature allows you to send 100+ envelopes at the same time but to avoid any system errors of so, it is recommended to send no more than 50 per patch.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

The envelope allowance error you are getting is not due to the Bulk Send feature, but due to the number of envelopes you need to send being higher than the number of envelopes you have at your current disposal, each plan type has a certain amount of envelope they can send per month/year/user, please view:

In other words, if you need to send 100 envelopes, but you only have available 70 in your account, it will show you that error. I hope that makes sense.

Regarding Bulk Send, the idea is for you to prepare 1 document and send it to several people at the same time for each to receive it individually, this feature allows you to send 100+ envelopes at the same time but to avoid any system errors of so, it is recommended to send no more than 50 per patch.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

"Select as Best" below if you find the answer a valid solution to your issue!

  • Is "envelope" the same as document?
  • Why would there be a limit in Sandbox when it is a testing environment?
  • We have over 1000 employees and it is impossible that we are only allowed to send 100 envelope/document per month for example. How do large organization manage their document distribution? How do I tell what plan my organization has?

Thank you!



Thank you for reaching back.

  • An envelope is the same as a document.
  • For demo accounts, there was a recent change where we implemented new limits to prevent Fraud:
    • 3-day daily limit after account creation of 100 sends for new accounts.
    • 30-day large window limit of 1000 sends for new accounts.
  • In the provided article, you may see the number of available envelopes that the different plan types support, usually large companies purchase Business Pro (which allows 100 envelopes per year per user, but the option to purchase more is available in case more is needed) or the Enterprise Pro which the number of envelopes is determined by the customer (yourself) via a contract and which can renew either monthly or yearly. You can check your plan type if you are an admin by going to:
  1. Settings
    1. Plan & Billing:

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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By user it means our employees right? We have xxxxxx so I assume each worker can receive up to 100 envelope per year, correct? Are you able to advise on best practice when mass distributing document to a large group of employee? I read something about API between Docusign and Workday and seems like I might need to send the document by batch?



Thank you for reaching back.

By user, it means a person that is part of your account (could be an employee), correct, each user would get 100 envelopes per year.

For the Bulk Send best practices, I recommend viewing the following documentation:

DocuSign does not support the Workday integration, that would be with their support directly, however, as an overall best practice, it is recommended not to add more than 50 people in each bulk send, this is to prevent any errors. So, if you have to send to 100 people, you would divide that in two and send in two separate batches.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | DocuSign Community Moderator

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