How Can I use checkbox class for yes or no option to select only one option. I know how to do it with radio and radio group class. Could anyone suggest how to proceed it with checkkbox class in c# SDK.
Docusign Checkbox model

Best answer by Byungjae.Chung
To create the checkbox with the rule, first, create the checkbox tabs and associate them with the TabGroup through the TabGroupLabels. In the TabGroup object, you can specify the checkbox rule through the GroupRule, MinimumRequired, and MaximumReqiured properties. More information about the available value for the above properties is here:
C# code example below allows the recipient to select only one checkbox between 3 of them.
Checkbox checkbox1 = new Checkbox
TabLabel = "LionTab",
DocumentId = "1",
PageNumber = "1",
RecipientId = "1",
XPosition = "200",
YPosition = "300",
TabGroupLabels = new List<string>
Checkbox checkbox2 = new Checkbox
TabLabel = "TigerTab",
DocumentId = "1",
PageNumber = "1",
RecipientId = "1",
XPosition = "220",
YPosition = "300",
TabGroupLabels = new List<string>
Checkbox checkbox3 = new Checkbox
TabLabel = "BearTab",
DocumentId = "1",
PageNumber = "1",
RecipientId = "1",
XPosition = "240",
YPosition = "300",
TabGroupLabels = new List<string>
TabGroup checkboxTabGroup = new TabGroup
GroupLabel = "checkboxgroup1",
ValidationMessage = "Please check a box",
GroupRule = "SelectExactly",
MinimumRequired = "1",
MaximumAllowed = "1",
RecipientId = "1",
DocumentId = "1",
PageNumber = "1",
XPosition = "0",
YPosition = "0",
TabScope = "Document", // or "envelope"
TabType = "tabgroup"
Tabs signer1Tabs = new Tabs
SignHereTabs = new List<SignHere> { signHere1 },
CheckboxTabs = new List<Checkbox> { checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3 },
TabGroups = new List<TabGroup> { checkboxTabGroup }
signer1.Tabs = signer1Tabs;
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