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Issue with Signature Fields in Multiple Gen Templates



At my company, we use DocuSign for Salesforce and set up DocuSign integrations for other companies.

Our contract (daily, weekly) and disclosure (NY, CA, VA) documents are in separate Gen Templates, each linked to specific rules. For example, if frequency = daily and billing address = NY, then the daily contract and NY disclosure are sent for signature.


Both templates are successfully sent for signature, but while the contract correctly displays the picklist, signature, and date signed fields (configured via the envelope template), the disclosure does not show these fields. As a result, both templates cannot be completed smoothly.

I have created multiple support tickets, but due to the complexity of the scenario, I haven’t found a clear solution or resource. At this point, I’m not even sure if DocuSign supports this functionality as expected.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue or found a solution?

Thank you!

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