
I'd like to send an envelope to a lead record, how do I add the relevant lead as a recipient?

Userlevel 4
Badge +6

Reproduction steps:

  1. I create an envelope template where I add two recipients: a "master record" and the lead owner.
  2. I add a button on the lead page layout that invokes this template... let's call this button "Send Docusign"
  3. I find a lead (let's call it "John Doe") and click on "Send Docusign"
  4. The envelope wizard pops up and I review the doc before sending it

I'm expecting the lead, "John Doe", to be one of the recipients (as the master record), but this recipient is not added automatically. The lead owner is indeed part of the recipients.

How do I add the relevant lead to the template automatically? It doesn't make sense that I have to search for the lead when I click on "Send Docusign".


Best answer by Community Expert 16 September 2021, 22:57

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11 replies

Userlevel 2

Check out the support site and look for custom buttons that will allow you to do more with the button. The standard setup just triggers the pop up.


Userlevel 2

were you ever able to solve this?

Userlevel 2

Is there any solution?

Userlevel 1
Badge +12


I could never get "Master Record" to work the way I assumed it would. However, "By Role" will work by applying the right merge field syntax.

Quick solution:

  1. Select the "By Role" option and give the Role a name (ex: "Signer 1")
  2. Click "Add Name and Email" and use {!Lead.Name} and {!Lead.Email}.

I tested this on Leads and Contacts. Worked as expected. For more details you can review the DocuSign eSignature for Salesforce Admin Guide. Search the doc for "Use Merge Fields" to find the material (its location varies in each release due to content updates).

Userlevel 2

Screen Shot 2021-09-20 at 10.54.51 AMI followed the above solution and get the error message. please see the attachment. Any idea? Thanks,

Userlevel 2

My mistake above. You need to use SF merge syntax and include the "!" in the string, ex: {!Lead.Email}

Sorry about that. I've corrected my prior post.

Userlevel 2

Screen Shot 2021-09-20 at 1.29.05 PMThanks,

I still got the error

Userlevel 2

Long shot: what Docusign plan are you using?

Userlevel 2


Userlevel 2

I have to ask the obvious: does the lead record you're testing with have Name and Email values?

(Another associate on my team tested the way I'd described and it worked as expected, so I'm not sure what else I can do to help you)

Userlevel 2

The "By Role" option works on our demo docuSign account. But it does not work on our prod docuSign account. I entered {!Lead.Name} and {!Lead.Email} to Add Recipients screen, it saves without any issues. However, when we click next and come back, it still show empty field. Thanks,

