I have been trying to resolve my issues for several days with searching in the community here and googling. My issue:
We have Docusign setup in Salesforce for E-Signature, the data for a custom object should writeback to the DocuSign Envelope Template. This works in Production without issue. However in our Sandbox when the PDF is generated for our Customer to review and complete E-Signing the PDF is blank, and the PDF is not being brought back into Salesforce once signed.
I am at a loss. The setup between the Sandbox and Production are the same from my review. I have followed all the instructions provided in this DocuSign Support Document. https://support.docusign.com/s/document-item?language=en_US&bundleId=srl1586134368658&topicId=ebu1620169232889.html&_LANG=enus
Does anyone have any ideas of why this is happening only in our Sandbox, and how can I resolve this issue? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance!