
DAL: Set Defaul

  • 27 June 2024
  • 1 reply

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We recently upgraded from eSignature (Legacy) to DocuSign App Launcher in our Salesforce environment.  We have two use cases for our users with DocuSign.

  1. An API call is made where a document is generated then sent using the system sender email
  2. A DocuSign button is pressed to allow users to send a custom document in an envelope to a client.

Once we added permissions for our users to accomplish the second use case, envelopes that were generated via the first use case started being sent out from users personal email addresses rather than the system sender email address.

Is it possible to allow users access to customize documents and send out envelopes via the custom DocuSign buttons without either having to add them as DocuSign users in Salesforce OR to set the default email that ALL documents that come from Salesforce come from to a specific address?  It seems like we could hard code into our solution for the first use case that the email address used is always our default, but this seems sloppy.

1 reply

Userlevel 3
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Hello @MAF ,


Thank you for reaching out here in the Docusign Community.


I’m sorry to hear that the process of sending envelopes is not as expected, I understand you are looking to have envelopes sent out from Salesforce show a specific email address rather than the users personal email address.


With Docusign Apps Launcher eSignature For Salesforce, your options are the following:

  1. Use the “System Sender” feature, but this only works if you develop using our Apex Toolkit. It doesn’t work with out of the box or custom buttons.
  2. Custody Transfer rules in your Docusign account. You could create a generic user that you want the emails coming from, then set up a custody transfer rule to transfer envelopes from the real sender user to the generic service user: Add Envelope Custody Transfer Rules


Let us know if you need further assistance with this.


Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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