I suddenly realised DocuSign were charging me for an unused account for 7 months using a backup payment method I was not actively using or checking.
This occurred as I was never sent any invoices or bills so did not realise this was the case where normally a company would communicate with their customers and this would have avoided this issue entirely.
After being told conflicting information where every time someone different responds to your email and initially being told I would get a curtesy refund I was then refused one with reasons varying from the fact I had complained to the bank (which I hadn’t at that point) to my account being ineligible for refunds so it’s hard to know what to believe.
Emails to staff at the company go ignored and then the same people then email me with marketing emails a few days later wanting to sell me more stuff and continue to ignore customer service emails.
Now I am just trying to obtain an invoice showing the charges that were taken and I can’t even get that from my account and I now can’t even seem to log a case to ask for one so am posting on here in desperation.
For an e-document management company they seem to fail on so many levels where even getting support or an invoice is made very difficult. I thought it was a legal requirement to send you an invoice before charging you.
I half expect this to get deleted.