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DocuSign Support forwarding me to SAP



a month ago i was able to create tickets directly to the DocuSign Support on the DocuSingn website.
now im not able to do so anymore instead i get forwarded to the SAP Support which does not have the DocuSign as Product.

How can i get my access to the DocuSIgn Support on the DocuSign page again? I need to open DocuSign Tickets since im a Delivery Manager for DocuSign at NDBS!


Best answer by mrave


Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how to log a ticket with the SAP support correctly that related to Docusign, as I don’t have access to the system myself. Several SAP customers that I worked with were able to log tickets with the SAP support and I never asked them how they actually do this, as it always worked without issues.

Maybe you don’t have the required permissions in the SAP system to create a ticket? As suggested before speaking to SAP contacts responsible for your company or your SAP Administrator should hopefully enable you to create support tickets via SAP.

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Docusign Employee
  • Docusign Employee
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  • May 13, 2024


If your company bought Docusign via SAP, the first level support will be handled by SAP. This is common and many SAP customers log their tickets related to Docusign with the SAP. If required the SAP Support will open a ticket with Docusign Support in the background.

SAP resells Docusign under the name “SAP Signature Management“, maybe you can select that when opening a ticket with SAP? Otherwise reach out to your SAP Sales contacts.

I found this SAP Knowledge Base article related to the Support Process for Docusign. 

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  • May 13, 2024

when i add the name into the System required field in the SAP System so i can create the ticket no data is displayed


Docusign Employee
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  • May 13, 2024


Unfortunately, I cannot tell you how to log a ticket with the SAP support correctly that related to Docusign, as I don’t have access to the system myself. Several SAP customers that I worked with were able to log tickets with the SAP support and I never asked them how they actually do this, as it always worked without issues.

Maybe you don’t have the required permissions in the SAP system to create a ticket? As suggested before speaking to SAP contacts responsible for your company or your SAP Administrator should hopefully enable you to create support tickets via SAP.

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  • May 13, 2024

Thank you for the advice!


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