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Are Docusigns notaries valid (legal) in California

  • October 17, 2024
  • 1 reply


We would like to use Docusings online notary services but are they valid/legal for use with Californian residents?

Best answer by nathaly.monge

Hello @nathanD ,

Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!

California-commissioned notaries public are not currently authorized to perform remote online notarization. California has attempted to pass legislation for remote online notarizations, but no legislation has been enacted yet. However, notaries public in other states likely can perform remote online notarization for California residents and documents. I recommend you visit the California Secretary of State website for more information. Also, please view the following article which will show the information provided above: Remote Online Notarization Legality Guide: California

In terms of what states are approved and whether notaries public from other states can perform remote online notarization for other state residents, please view this PDF.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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  • Community Moderator
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  • Answer
  • October 18, 2024

Hello @nathanD ,

Welcome to the Docusign Community and thank you for posting your concerns!

California-commissioned notaries public are not currently authorized to perform remote online notarization. California has attempted to pass legislation for remote online notarizations, but no legislation has been enacted yet. However, notaries public in other states likely can perform remote online notarization for California residents and documents. I recommend you visit the California Secretary of State website for more information. Also, please view the following article which will show the information provided above: Remote Online Notarization Legality Guide: California

In terms of what states are approved and whether notaries public from other states can perform remote online notarization for other state residents, please view this PDF.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Nathaly | Docusign Community Moderator
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