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How to upload documents / attachments from SharePoint

  • 27 March 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi, we have adopted DocuSign by integrating it into our SharePoint document management system. By starting the signing of a document (for example a transmission note) I need to attach the accompanying documentation. How do I upload documents from SharePoint? It seems that it is only possible to draw from the computer's local resources or from OneDrive. It would be crazy if you had to download documents locally from SharePoint and then upload them to DocuSign. Right?


2 replies

Userlevel 6
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You need to start the process from SharePoint and send the files to DocuSign eSignature.

The screenshot you are showing is related to Document Sources that can be connected.

Currently document sources support only Box, Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive.

Userlevel 4
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