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Currently I am using DocuSign Demo(Preview) connector to achieve the pdf Sign functionality.


If I use DocuSign Demo connector, I won’t get the Production connection reference in the Account and vice versa, if I use DocuSign main connector, I won’t get the Demo connection reference in the Account.


Is there any possibility that can I use DocuSign Main connector with Demo Connection References.


Below are the two images, one is DocuSign Demo(Preview) Connector and DocuSign main connector.

Anyone please help here, Is there any possibilities?


Thank you

Ibrahim SK


The Docusign Demo (Preview) Connector is connecting to a Docusign demo account for testing and development, while the Docusign Main Connector is connecting to production for real transactions. The functionality is the same, it is just pointing to different server environment in the background.

No, you need to establish a connection to for both Connectors, as the accounts are on different server environments without a connection between the data centres. Also all the related IDs, like account Id, user Id, template Id, etc. will be different and you cannot mix and match between the two environments.

​Hi @KhaleelullaSK,


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