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Fall Legal Conferences - Who's going where?

Docusign Employee

Hey legal friends!

Summer is almost over somehow and fall legal conference season is just around the corner. I’m trying to figure out what I want to attend knowing there are way more conferences than I can attend.

So far, I’m looking at:

  • Running Legal Like a Business ( - September 3-6 in Las Vegas
  • Summit by the Sea (Legal Operators) - September 25-27 in San Diego- Definitely attending this one!
  • Legal Geek (Legal Geek) - October 16-17 in London
  • CLOC EMEA Summit (CLOC) - October 21-22) in London


Anything I’m missing that I must attend? Where are you all going for conferences this fall?


2 replies

Docusign Employee

Hey Krysta. So many events this fall! I’ll be attending events I’ll be speaking at only. Here they are:  

  1. September 18, 2024: BSA Software Alliance in DC and speaking on a panel about AI impact on the workforce. 
  2. September 23-25, 2024: AML Women, Influence, Power in Law Conference. I’ll be speaking on a panel about AI use in a legal department. I’ll also be hosting a private dinner on 9/23 if you’re interested in attending, let me know. 
  3. October 6-9, 2024: ACC Annual Meeting in Nashville. I’ll be speaking on a panel about legal department metrics and hosting a private dinner. If you’re interested in attending, let me know. 
  4. November 7-10, 2024: National Asian Pacific American Bar Association Convention in Seattle. I’ll be speaking on a panel in the women’s leadership network track and hosting a private dinner. If you’re interested in attending, let me know. 


I’ll be at RLLB! Hope to see you there. Fall is definitely conference season. 
