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TLDR; Maestro Workflows on Paragraph 5

Docusign Employee

The Games Begin, The Games End


As I’m writing this it's the season of the Olympics and the games in Paris are in full swing. The world crowds into stadiums, cafes, bars, and living rooms to watch humanity’s finest athletes compete. In those fleeting, adrenaline fueled moments there is more that unites us as a global community than divides us; nothing unites like a shared interest. 


But just as quickly as it starts it’s over. Crowds disperse, the pageantry ceases, the world picks up where it left off, and the athletes go home in victory or solemn reflection. Win or lose, though, do you know what each one of those athletes are going to do? They’re going to practice.


That’s right, we’re going to talk about work! Afterall, you didn’t come here to read the musings of a random technology consultant.


Thinking about starting with a new tool can be challenging, especially when that tool functions in ways completely different from others in your tool box, so getting used to these new tools is key. The way we do this is by practicing their use. Now, I was going to walk you through ways in which I would, starting from scratch, attempt to practice using Maestro Workflows, but a learned colleague of mine (you may have seen him around the ‘boards, Lane Shigihara) reminded me that we have a wonderful template library that you can leverage to drive your understanding of this feature from functional to elite Olympian!


Practice Maestro Workflows using Samples


You can find the workflow samples here, in our Docusign University Template Library (formerly the Knowledge Market). As a side note, you can also find eSignature Templates for download in this library, so no more micromanaging pesky field placements on tax forms, we took care of that for you!


I would recommend starting with the Mutual NDA (either with Google or OneDrive). This will provide you with a .ZIP container that contains a JSON file (the template), and an instructional PDF that will walk you through how to create a workflow from start to finish. Both Google and OneDrive are optional, so if you don’t have either of these solutions you can skip that step of the flow. The point of the exercise is to start practicing building workflows from scratch, and seeing what is possible.


So play around with the tool, either in your Demo Account* or in Production, and have fun with it. I like to think that learning Docusign is a lot like playing with Legos. If you make a “mistake” (ie. it doesn’t look/work like how you want) then you can dismantle it and start over with little-to-no consequence. Every restart is another growth opportunity, so don’t let the fear of not understanding--or the worry you’ll do something “wrong”--stop you from playing. 


I’ll tell you that I’m still learning the ins and outs of Maestro, but the more I play with it the more confident I become. If you need next steps, or inspiration, you can always post a question here, and someone will chime in with suggestions or assistance. As a future Olympic-level Docusign User the world is cheering for you, and your inevitable successes will be feted!

But for now...practice!

*If you need a demo account with IAM enabled, please reach out to the Account Executive listed on your contract.

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