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We use DocuSign as an internal tool for signing incident reports in each of our care homes.  One thing i am trying to report on is a list of outstanding signatures.  I can do this per envelope, but i am trying to do it for all envelopes under one category.  The closest i can get is the envelope report that shows me there are x outstanding on one envelope and that envelope was sent to xxx people, but the list of people it gives me is everyone that was sent the report not the outstanding ones.


Ideally i just want a simple report that says


Person A xx Outstanding

Person B xx Outstanding etc…..

@Steve.Warner I’m not seeing any option using standard reporting, but if you were to use the DocuSign API you could make a series of API requests to get all envelopes and their statuses then make a secondary request for each individual envelopes recipients. 
For example: 
Step 1: Get all envelopes statuses:

This will return you with a list of all envelopes and their statues. 

Step 2: For each envelope from step #1 that are not completed, voided, etc, get the recipients data:

If you’re new to using the DocuSign API the general steps to get started are found here:
