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Dear All, I have to save 1,000+ enveloppes on an external device. Do you know if it's possible to do it in 1 click or do I have to save them one after the other? Thanks for your help. Kind regards,

  • 17 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Dear All,
I have to save 1,000+ enveloppes on an external device.
Do you know if it's possible to do it in 1 click or do I have to save them one after the other?
Thanks for your help.
Kind regards,


Thank you for reaching out here in the DocuSign Community.

We have the stand-alone DocuSign product called DocuSign®️ Retrieve, this is a windows-based tool that retrieves envelopes and documents that a user has sent from their account. You can run Retrieve as a one-time request or on a schedule. When run, Retrieve contacts DocuSign and retrieves envelopes, documents, and information for those envelopes based on the filters you set.

However, if you like you can develop the API to Download the envelopes. Since this community is for general use of DocuSign and break/fix issues. It is not for the development of integrations, use of API, CRM build-out, and customization, the API, Code, and development of integrations-related questions belong to our Developer Community at please use the #DocuSignAPI tag you can also view our rich Dev Resources.

If the options above are not feasible the envelopes must be download one by one.

Let us know if you need further assistance with this.

Best regards,

Christopher | DocuSign Community Moderator

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