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WildCard Values in the connect callback url

  • 19 August 2024
  • 1 reply

How can i specify wildcard or varibles in the connect callback url. Theres information I want thats in that route, specified when I create the envelope in the api call to know what tenant to connect to and i dont want to have to create a connect setting for all our tenants.

Thanks, Jayden


(Image of what i want to achieve)



You cannot specify wildcard valued when creating a Docusign Connect configuration, as it will publish to the provided URL and will not perform any calculation at this point.

However, when you create an envelope via API you can provide the parameter “eventNotification”. Think of this being set up like Docusign Connect, but it is only applicable for the single envelope when creating it via API. You can provide a calculated url for every envelope to allow to call back the desired url on your end.

Review the reference for create Envelope in the eSignature REST API.

→ Scroll down and expand the envelopeDefinition under “Request Body - Schema”:


→ Scroll down and expand the “eventNotification” section, where you will find all the details.

