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Hi docusign community,

I'm working on creating some logic to dynamically update my template with different content. When I make a GET call to pull the custom fields I've added in template, I see this:

GET Request results : 

"fieldId": "10351158661",
"name": "templateUsageRestriction",
"show": "false",
"required": "false",
"value": "allOptions"
"listCustomFields": ]

Does anyone know what the 'templateUsageRestriction' means and how to extract the actual fields? Are there any settings needed in my DocuSign template?


Hello, @sachinpowar 


Welcome to the Docusign Community!


These are fields created by DocuSign when you use a template to create an envelope. Your code should ignore these.


If you're trying to get form data entered by signers, you'll want to use the EnvelopesFormData::Get method, or the Recipients::List method with include_tabs=true.


Let me know if I answered your question.





