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support for multiple signers on multiple (but fewer) signature blocks

  • 29 February 2024
  • 5 replies

I have a document that can be signed by (any) 2 out of 5 possible signers (signers A, B, C, D, E for example.) What i envision is a document with 2 signature blocks that once signer B signs the first block, the second block is only signable by one of signers A, C, D or E) Once that second signature is obtained (from A, C, D or E) the document should be completed.

How do I build this envelope?

I am actually building and creating envelopes using teh API and not interactively.

Note: we already have this working when we have 5 signers but only one is required to sign so we don’t need a solution for that.


Hello, You can specify a signing order for envelopes with multiple recipients, allowing you to dictate the sequence in which recipients receive and sign your documents.

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Hello @sai hari priya dandamudi,

I appreciate your feedback. But I don’t think it addressed my question. We are implementing signing orders just fine. In this case, I am not looking for a signing order. What i am looking for is a solution that would address the following requirements:

  1. We have 5 authorized signers and two signature blocks.
  2. Any two of the 5 signers can be the signers of either of the blocks.
  3. Once two signers have signed, the envelope should be complete.

As such, there is not order here. The envelope is sent to all 5 signers at once. The first person who clicks on their email/link will sign in the first signature block. They then and obviously can not sign the second block. Any one of the remaining 4 can sign the second block and once that second person (again any one of the remaining 4) signs, the document should be complete.

I hope this clarifies.

Hello @sai hari priya dandamudi,

I appreciate your feedback. But I don’t think it addressed my question. We are implementing signing orders just fine. In this case, I am not looking for a signing order. What i am looking for is a solution that would address the following requirements:

  1. We have 5 authorized signers and two signature blocks.
  2. Any two of the 5 signers can be the signers of either of the blocks.
  3. Once two signers have signed, the envelope should be complete.

As such, there is not order here. The envelope is sent to all 5 signers at once. The first person who clicks on their email/link will sign in the first signature block. They then and obviously can not sign the second block. Any one of the remaining 4 can sign the second block and once that second person (again any one of the remaining 4) signs, the document should be complete.

I hope this clarifies.

I’m looking for the same solution if anyone has one.

We are also looking for something like this.

We want to set two signers, from one ‘company’, and once either of them has signed, it moves onto the next company for signature and completion.

Hi Atr,

Maybe not a complete answer to your question but what I did was the following to handle multiple signers for the same field

Created several Groups in CLM for the people that can sign

Created those groups also in Esignature as a signing group.

Then I have added them into the workflow step for Signature,

Then selected the group who needs to sign and linked it to the signing group of DocuSign Esignature (see screenshot). 

Hope this brings you a step further

Best regards,


