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I am currently using a template with an embedded word document. This document uses {{name}} so that when the API is invoked to create an envelope from the template that value can be replaced. To date I have not been able to perform this replacement and I do not know what could be happening.

I attached a bit of the code:




Not sure what the problem is. You should be able to replace the value in the “name” field with the actual client name. Do not change the “roleName” value, this will always stay the same and need to match the template.


The role name is the same. I also tried to try customFields but the result is the same.







This is an example of the Word document in the template






Is there a Docusign text field present on the document with the data label “{{nombre}}”?
Can you provide a screenshot of the template view showing the text field definition?

I would suggest not to use special characters in the data label, this is not best practice.

It looks like this is just written text that was part of the underlying Word document to me.

Docusign eSignature does not replace actual text, this would be the document generation. That is also possible not something different…

The screenshot also shows something different, a customField is not part of the document, it is meta data.

The previous definition of a textTab is what you need to do … try with that without special characters and for testing purpose hardcode a value in the Postman call and not use a variable. You can add that once it works.

