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Retrieving the Schwabs template id via API

  • 25 June 2024
  • 4 replies

I am a developer building an app for financial advisors to manage their clients electronically. To obtain signatures from the clients, I am using DocuSign. Some of the advisors are integrated with Schwab and want to use the Schwab template to create envelopes.

My problem is that the Schwab template is not shareable via the GUI, and I was hoping to be able to retrieve this template, specifically 'Schwab Non-Template Envelope To Process,' to use it for creating envelopes. However, this template is not shareable, and I am not able to retrieve it when filtering by template name via the API. On the other hand, when I try this with templates I created myself, everything works fine.

What is the best way to get the Schwab template ID so I can use it to create an envelope?


If you do have access to it, you can get it via the user interface or the API. You cannot access templates from different Docusign account, even if you would know the template ID if you do not have access rights. Therefore, you cannot create an envelope using that template.


Thank you, @Michael.Rave. Yes, I can see the template in my user interface, but this template only appears because my DocuSign is integrated with Schwab, who owns the templates. These templates are not shareable, and I can't retrieve them via the REST API. is their any other way to get access to the template ID


The only correct way is to reach out to the owner of the template. As I stated before even knowing the template ID would not result in you being able to use the template, as you’ll get an access error.

Thank you @Michael.Rave 
