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Populate standard fields (or prefilled fields) set in template with data from my database before sending out the envelopes to any of the recipients with the sdk or api

  • 10 July 2024
  • 1 reply

My use case is simple: I have a template where I’ve placed multiple text fields with unique data labels to later be populated. (I’ve also tried using pre-fill text fields) The data for it comes from my database.

I am using the nodejs sdk (i.e. docusign-esign npm package).

I found the docs extremely confusing and I just haven’t been able to generate envelopes with the populated data from my database.

I have created this helper function to send envelopes:

import { EnvelopesApi, type EnvelopeDefinition } from 'docusign-esign';

export const sendEnvelope = async ({ envelope }: { envelope: EnvelopeDefinition }) => {
const dsApiClient = await createClient(); // createClient returns the docusign.ApiClient which I have removed in this post for maintaining simplicity
const envelopesApi = new EnvelopesApi(dsApiClient);

const { envelopeId } = await envelopesApi.createEnvelope(process.env.ACCOUNT_ID, { envelopeDefinition: envelope });

And now I am trying to populate these fields:

The data labels are set as so:

For the Standard Text field
For the prefilled Text field

In order to fill these with data coming from my database, I am using the sendEnvelope function like so:

// somewhere in my codebase
const project = await fetchFromMyDb();

await sendEnvelope({
envelope: {
emailSubject: 'Please review and sign this agreement',
templateId: "my-template-id",
status: 'sent',
templateRoles: e
roleName: 'Client',
tabs: {
textTabs: x
{ tabLabel: 'CaseReference', pageNumber: '1', value: project.caseReference ?? '-' },
{ tabLabel: 'TestCaseReference', pageNumber: '1', value: project.caseReference ?? '-' },

This doesn’t work so I tried using composite templates like this:

// somewhere in my codebase
const project = await fetchFromMyDb();

await sendEnvelope({
envelope: {
emailSubject: 'Please review and sign this agreement',
templateId: "my-template-id",
status: 'sent',
compositeTemplates: e
serverTemplates: e
sequence: '1',
templateId: "my-template-id",
inlineTemplates: e
sequence: '1',
recipients: {
recipientId: '1',
roleName: 'Client',
tabs: {
textTabs: t
{ tabLabel: 'CaseReference', pageNumber: '1', value: project.caseReference ?? '-' },
{ tabLabel: 'TestCaseReference', pageNumber: '1', value: project.caseReference ?? '-' },

Unfortunately this didn’t work either so I’m at a lost as how this is supposed to be done. Any help or even a nudge in the right direction is appreciated! 

1 reply

Userlevel 1
Badge +2

Hi @stellar there is a difference between prefill and normal tabs. 

Prefill tabs are part of the Document object. Their values can be seen on the document by signers but not edited. The original idea was these to be used only through the Docusign WebUI. If you still want to use them make sure they are included in the Document object not Recipient > Signer object. 
Also, because they are part of the Document object, they can not be prefilled when using Composite templates. The Composite object > Document does not have the Tab child.
Nevertheless, if you want you can use the simple envelope Definition object (No Composite) and be able to prefill the value 


Regarding prefilling the normal text tabs, this works. You can have a look at this code sample.

Here is the code version


I hope this clarifies it for you   
