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ListStatusChanges is returning only 1000 envelopes result set as of 2/9/2024.

  • 21 February 2024
  • 6 replies

ListStatusChanges is returning only 1000 envelopes result set as of 2/9/2024.  I'm trying to set the Count and Start_position, but so far only getting 1000 envelopes.  This has been working for over 2 years.  Has something changed?  Is setting the count and start_position a new work-around?  



I can tell you from my own experience that in the past there was no limitation and more than 1000 results could be returned in the past. Due to customer accounts with a high result count it may have resulted in a time out error. To prevent this, pagination was introduced in various API calls in the eSignature API. I am not sure about the exact date, it could have been with the new API version.

In the response there should be the fields “resultSetSize”, “startPosition”, “endPosition” “totalSetSize”, “nextUri” and “previousUri”.

You should be able to use the “nextUri”, when present to loop through the result set. It basically has the incremented “start_position” and “count” appended to to the query so you don’t need to calculate yourself.

Thanks, I trap for exceptions and don’t see a timeout.  It’s always at exactly 1000.

I tried setting the count to “9999” startPosition to 0 (zero) and the end date to 2029/01/01,

but since 2/9/2024 I only get exactly 1000 envelopes.  I’m wondering if a limit was changed on our account.

In the reposnse I get:

EndPosition 999

Envelope Count = 1000

ResultsetSize = 1000

TotalSetSiz 3036 <<<<<<---- which matches the expected number of envelopes.


I’ll check on “nextUri”.  Thanks.

There is a max. limit for count that cannot be changed, it seems to be 1000 in this API call.

It was introduced to prevent time outs, which could have occurred at a high “totalSetSize”.

A higher number will still only return 1000 results. A lower count value, e.g. 200 works fine.

Thank you, Do you know if the max call of 1000 was implemented on 2/9/2024 as this worked for over 2 years with over 1000 envelopes?

Where can I find the document showing the 1000 call limit?

Unfortunately, I am not aware when this limit was implemented or enforced in your account.

There are some eSignature API rules and resource limits listed in this link.

It states a 2000 max limit for get envelope templates and I know for other endpoints different values exist.


I’m creating a loop to get 500 at a time and possibly use the nexturi.

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

