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How Can I Send Insensitive Information Through Envelope

  • 23 August 2024
  • 1 reply


I have set up a Docusign webhook to notify my application when an envelope has been completed (i.e. signing complete), and I am receiving the signed documents to store in my application. However, I also want Docusign to send me information on my document (not Docusign information, but identifiers from my application). 


I tried to use custom fields, but I don’t want to have to use an endpoint to retrieve the information (as getting a token at this point would not be feasible). So, is there a way to have Docusign send me the information directly with the signed Documents? 

Hello Kayluh,

If I understand you want to access an envelope without the need to perform API calls to retrieve them.

If you're using the integration account as a System Sender, you just need to filter Completed Envelopes in the Agreements tabs, if other users can be envelope senders you can use the Shared Access Feature to view the completed envelopes.

You can check for more details below:


