We are calling the eSignature API to retrieve the template ID used in an envelope (/envelopes/xxx/templates). Sometimes these calls return empty responses whereas envelopes were using a template - see below example :
Green OK - Red KO
Can someone explain why templates are not retrieved correctly ?
If this is reproducible on command and you are sure templates are being used to create the envelope, a case with our developer support team would be the suggested next step. If you do end up creating a support case you would want to capture an API log of the issue being reproduced and attach the log onto the support case. You can capture API logs by following the steps shown here while logged into the account of the user making the API request: https://support.docusign.com/s/document-item?language=en_US&rsc_301&bundleId=jux1643235969954&topicId=poz1578456669909.html&_LANG=enus
Thanks for your answer, I read the article and related links. I forgot to mention that we are not using the API to create the envelopes, it is done through the Web UI by selecting a template and then the “Use” button.
As you can see on the “Envelope report” screenshot above, all envelopes have a template ID but the API query does not return them.
If this is reproducible on command and you are sure templates are being used to create the envelope, a case with our developer support team would be the suggested next step. If you do end up creating a support case you would want to capture an API log of the issue being reproduced and attach the log onto the support case. You can capture API logs by following the steps shown here while logged into the account of the user making the API request: https://support.docusign.com/s/document-item?language=en_US&rsc_301&bundleId=jux1643235969954&topicId=poz1578456669909.html&_LANG=enus
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