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Embedded Signing with Remote Signing

  • March 24, 2025
  • 1 reply


The redirect after signing url can only set through Account Settings.

Current situation:
Currently, when an envelope is created in our app, an email is sent to the user via DocuSign (Remote signing).
A link is also generated where the user can access the Envelope through our app (Embedded signing). So we combine remote and embedded signing.

This method works, but there is a problem regarding the redirect Uri definition when signing remotely.
The redirect Uri is only taken from the account settings. A defined uri in the branding is ignored, as is a redirect uri that is specified directly during the API call. 

Additional Infos:
In the envelope definition the embeddedRecipientStartUrl in the signer object is set to “SIGN_AT_DOCUSIGN” and the clientUserId is defined which is later used for the RecipientView link generation.

1 reply


The hybrid signing (embedded signing + remote signing) is fundamentally under the mechanism of the embedded signing. That is, the remote signing under the hybrid signing doesn't follow the same mechanism as the remote signing does. The redirect page is one of the limitations of the remote signing under the hybrid signing, and it is by design. To redirect to the URL that you specified in the Brand, you would need to use only the remote signing. 

If you consider this issue needing improvement, I recommend you provide your ideas on the Ideas page ( We monitor the customer feedback on this page and improve the product accordingly.