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Docusign JS 'translation' error

  • 6 September 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi all,

I’m using the following JavaScript in my application:

async function startSigningCeremony(signingUrl) {
// Set the clientId to your application's Integration Key
let clientId = "28ef2184-4fc9-4ae0-b77b-a055fb0727ac"; // Integration key

// Check if signingUrl and clientId are provided
if (!signingUrl || !clientId) {
throw new Error("signingUrl and clientId must be set");

const signingConfiguration = {
url: signingUrl,
displayFormat: 'focused',
locale: 'en',
style: {
branding: {
primaryButton: {
/** Background color of primary button */
backgroundColor: "magenta",
/** Text color of primary button */
color: "white",
signingNavigationButton: {
finishText: "Agreed!", // default is Submit
// 'bottom-left'|'bottom-center'|'bottom-right', default: bottom-right
position: "bottom-center"

try {
// Load DocuSign and initiate the signing ceremony
const docusign = await window.DocuSign.loadDocuSign(clientId);
const signing = docusign.signing(signingConfiguration);

/** Event handlers **/
signing.on('ready', (event) => { console.log('UI is rendered') });
signing.on('sessionEnd', (event) => { console.log('Session ended', event) });

// Open the signing ceremony
} catch (error) {
// Any configuration or API errors will be caught here
console.error("### Error calling docusign.js");

When it gets to line

const signing = docusign.signing(signingConfiguration);

I get a console error associated with 1ds-bundle.js: “translation error”.


This is resolved. The translation error, like the policy violation was a red-herring. Needed to add FrameAncestors and MessageOrigins to the call to Make recipient view request as per:
