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Hello Team,

We have a usecase where in we need to send multiple documents to different set of recipients.

Doc 1 --> Signer 1, Signer 2, Signer 3 | Carbon Copy to User1, User2  
Doc 2 --> Signer 1, Signer 4, Signer 5 | Carbon Copy to User2, User3
Doc 3 --> Signer 4, Signer 2, Signer 6 | Carbon Copy to User1, User3
Doc 4 --> Signer 5, Signer 2, Signer 1 | Carbon Copy to User4, User5

The signers and carbon copy users should see only those documents for which they are signers or CC and other documents should not be visible to them.

We have explored the Recipient Document Visibility but this cannot be used as Signers and CC users will be overlapping in our use case.

Have explored Bulk send also but there we are sending same document to multiple recipients.

So for our case we will have to create separate Envelopes for each of the Document, with signers and CC users. 

Is it possible to create and send multiple Envelope objects in a single Rest API call ?


Because you require a different structure for each envelope, you can only create and send one envelope at a time via the API.

